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Wantsum answers?

This is where we provide answers to questions you might have about Wantsum Self Storage. You are welcome to visit us at St Nicholas-At-Wade and see our facilities for yourself.

About Wantsum Self Storage

Wantsum Self Storage is owned and operated by St Nicholas Court Farms Ltd. As a fourth generation family-run business we aim to offer the best value, high quality self storage facility in Thanet and East Kent.

What are our terms & conditions?

  1. It is your obligation to lock and secure the room; remove your padlock upon vacating the room and prevent any unauthorised entry.
  2. Late payment charges and other additional charges payable by you for failure to pay on time are as follows: Greater of £10 or 10% of Storage Fee per month.
  3. We reserve the right to sell the goods in the event of non-payment of our fees after a four week period of non-payment.
  4. It is your obligation to check that the room is a suitable size for storing your property. We are happy to offer you an alternative room on moving in day subject to availability.
  5. Grounds for termination of this license include the requirement to give us two weeks (fourteen days) formal notice.
  6. You are required to notify us of any loss or damage to your goods within a reasonable time period.
  7. You agree that Wantsum Storage may use your personal data for direct marketing purposes only. Your data will not be shared with any third parties.

What’s not allowed?

Your license to store belongings with Wantsum Self Storage doesn’t extend to the following items:

  • People. We offer a license to use our storage facility for belongings, but don’t confuse this with a rental agreement. You may not live in this space and you may not sublet it.
  • Animals. This isn’t the place to keep your pets, however large or small. You may be subject to animal cruelty and abuse charges if you choose to ignore this rule.
  • Plants. Plants need light if they are to thrive; they will die if you leave them in storage.
  • Office space. You may not run a business directly from our storage space. We are happy for you to store office furniture, equipment and archive with us.
  • Food. We do not allow storage of food and perishable items. The only exception to this rule is canned goods.
  • Firearms, munitions, gunpowder and explosives. We offer secure storage space, not an armoured unit.
  • Hazardous materials and waste storage. You’ll need to find somewhere else to keep your excess flammable, explosive or radioactive belongings. If it’s corrosive, chemical, odorous, noxious or toxic, it cannot be put in to self storage. This includes lead paint, asbestos, urea formaldehyde, polychlorinated biphenyl, petroleum, petroleum products and constituents, bottled gas including methane, medical waste, toxic substances and related materials.
  • Stolen goods of any kind can’t be kept in self storage. If we suspect illegal activity, we have a policy of reporting suspicious behaviour to the police.
  • Cash. Forget what you’ve seen in US dramas. Your cash will be much safer in a safe deposit box at your bank.